
Notes on architecture and internal development.

See also the api documentation.

Glossary of Terms

When possible, we rely on TinkerPop definitions, since they are more standard.

It is also worth noting that the Commands\Builder is modeled after OrientDb's SQL.

  • properties: individual fields from a record like a User's username, birthday, and age.
  • metaProperties: record properties about the record itself (label, cluster, etc)
  • label: The type of record (analagous to table in SQL). Class in OrientDB.
  • config: Configuration for any object. Uses especially in the driver. What the driver needs to connect and execute against a datastore. Could include hostname, url, username, etc. Specific to driver. Both required and optional properties.
  • vertex: A single node record in a graph
  • edge: a relationship record in a graph
  • Response: A consistent data transport object for database results. Wraps the driver and raw response.
  • Command not be aware of the context (not aware of either the driver or the connection) It's just a language building tool. Command::getScript('language') provided the proper CommandProcessor exists for that language.
  • Drivers are responsible for mapping results to a consistent format. They provide several mapping methods (Query::all(), Query::one(), Query::tree() etc..)
  • Model is aware of the context and is a direct correlation to a label, connection/driver/etc.
  • Commands\Builder: A basic, fluent command builder with no connection to the datastore
  • Commands\Query: An enhanced Command Builder that can dispatch commands and format responses


  • FormattingException - If requesting a format not registered.
  • ConnectionNotFoundException - If a non-existing connection is make() by the Manager
  • InvalidCommandException - If the Command or CommandBag is corrupt or invalid.
  • NotSupportedException - For cases where functionalism's in some graph DBs aren't supported.
  • ItemNotFoundException - Whenever a user tries to get a property that doesnt' exist